[reason 28] jules

 We have several squirrels that frequent our back yard. They are very fond of fruit, apples specifically. Apparently cantaloupe wasn't too bad, either. I admit that I don't know their actual names, but one squirrel in particular, whom I call Jules for some unknown reason, is very vocal when I'm late in putting out snacks. Jules doesn't allow me fully out the door to gently place food out for them and their friends, so I toss it instead. Jules, unlike the others, will run toward flying fruit, in hopes of being the first one to it.

Jules got very excited the other day when I lobbed yummy red spheres into the yard. That is, until Jules discovered that the fruit was tomatoes, not apples. They complained and complained, even after I explained that we did not have any apples with which I was willing to part. Jules scampered away, treats untouched. 

Later in the day, I glanced out and there was a half-eaten tomato on a post in our yard. Perhaps it was a complaint, but I'm taking it as an admission that tomatoes are an acceptable, if not favorite, option. 

I delight in the antics of Jules and friends. They can always brighten my day.


  1. Well you might like Indiana's most famous squirrels: This is the Facebook Page for the Squirrel Cams at Indiana University : https://www.facebook.com/sqrlsofiu/ Here is the Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/squirrels_at_iu/ and most fun of all a local news story that explains (sort of) why we Hoosiers love them. https://www.wthr.com/article/news/local/indiana/only-indiana-squirrels-iu/531-4b08eb18-7481-4158-93af-f33e6435ff57 Go Hoosiers !!! LOL


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