[reason 33] a jar

 I found this jar at a thrift store and had to have it. I was looking for motivation to stay hydrated, and for some reason I had a feeling this jar would be just the thing. I added a bamboo lid and wide stainless steel straw, and I just have to say that I am drinking more water and just enjoying the look and the feel and the character of this jar. It brings me joy. 

I snapped this photo as the sun was shining through the jar, and afterwards noticed items in the background that spark similar joy...artwork created by my children, including artwork in progress; a lantern that used to adorn my room, but is now next to Onyx's bed after they used it in a play; cookies made by Austen; the table my parents gifted us. 

I love the transformation our house is going through. Most of us are working on our physical and mental health, and for me, that includes updating our surroundings to spark creativity and joy. Sometimes that's a larger project like painting walls, and other times it's a simple as a pretty jar. 


  1. Every little bit helps. I often get a new pen. I no longer use pens, bit I love a good pen.


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