[a moment] to talk turkey

[moment 305]

It's one of those things that just kind of happens in our lives. 

A notification popped up on my computer's desktop from one of our favorite places. I usually don't click on such notifications while in the midst of doing something else, but for some reason, I clicked on this one. And saw a turkey. Intrigued, I read the post, and realized my middle child would be the perfect person for the job. I texted them a link to the post. They agreed to make the turkey. 

And then we had a conversation with Knute from Camp Calumet, and the details about said turkey were even more interesting than we'd originally thought. A large turkey. A turkey as big as a child. And raw - fresh out of the butcher's window, hanging as a Dickensian prize turkey would hang. 

Now to find out how big the child is so they can make it the appropriate size...


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