[a moment] on our home

[moment 302]

In our home there is always one project or another (or two or three) going on. Next week we'll be painting walls and making a large turkey prop. (Those two things being completely unrelated.) We make mistakes and messes and both of those things are not only ok, but necessary. It's how we create, it's how we learn, it's how we grow. And we laugh ... a lot. We watch funny things together and share funny things we come across and are punny people and have odd senses of humor. If we don't know how something works when someone asks us how it works, our top explanation is magic. We also believe in the magic that surrounds us - the magic in other people, in ourselves, in nature, in the way events and experiences are woven together to get us just where we need to be. We tell so many stories and seek not only bigger adventures out in the world, but find adventures in everyday happenings. We also take time to breathe - to let go of the busy-ness for  a while to just be. We're always learning to let go of things that don't serve us and to hang on even when it's difficult because we live in faith that things will get better. We nurture ourselves (some of us need reminders that this is a thing) and others as best as we can.  Most of all, we strive every single day to live love out loud through the way we treat others (and ourselves), through advocating for others, and through offering grace and forgiveness.


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