it would only take [a moment]


[moment 123]

I'm not good at taking "before" pictures.

This might possibly have to do with my proclivity for compulsive project starting. What happens is that I plan projects - from little things like making spell books for Dungeons and Dragons to bigger projects like redoing floors or scraping popcorn ceilings or painting walls, or all of the above all at once, which I may or may not be doing at this very moment. 

First, I obtain all the needed supplies and they sit in the most inconvenient place in my house. After tripping over or knocking over the items an appropriate number of times, I decide to start the project right then and there, even if there are other things I should probably be doing first. 

I gather a bunch of the supplies needed for the project and delve right in. I then involve innocent bystanders (my children and occasionally my husband) in the process by asking them to retrieve objects necessary to proceed with whatever it is that I'm doing, because I never fail to forget approximately half of the things I'll need. At some point thereafter - usually around halfway through the project - I realize I should have taken a moment to take a before photo. 


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