[a moment] to keep our kids safe

[moment 148]

I've seen so many posts about gun control - and against it - on social media lately. 

Some arguments against gun control include the need to address mental health issues (ABSOLUTLEY!); the need to address parenting issues (YES!); the need to address the negative effects of social media (OK!), the need to address societal issues (DEFINITELY!)...not take away or in any way control guns (umm...what?)...because guns don't kill people (well...), people kill people (yes). 

Yes, mental health issues, societal issues, etc. - they are ALL important and all need to be addressed. But let's put gun control into place first, to make this country a safer place as we then work on all of these other things. Because yes, people kill people, but they can kill a heck of a lot more people more quickly with certain types of guns or high capacity magazines. 

When Onyx was three, they wanted to help make salad like the big kids were. They didn't want to rip up lettuce- they wanted to use a knife. I didn't just hand them a knife and not teach them how to use it, I didn't hand them a knife and not take their age into consideration. I didn't hand them a knife and then wait to see if they would use it responsibly. I didn't hand them a knife and expect that they wouldn't hurt someone with it. 

What I did was teach them how to use a knife properly and safely, not just once, but until I was sure they could safely use one on their own. I supervised them. I gave them the appropriate size knife for what they were using it for - I didn't hand them a machete to cut a cucumber. And I gave them one knife, not a bunch of knives, because one was adequate for the job. I explained that knives are to be used at the table, on food. I explained the dangers of misuse and that, yes, a kitchen implement, if used improperly or dangerously, could hurt or kill someone - that you don't point a knife at someone, throw a knife at someone, or walk or run around with a knife. And I stored the knives out of reach of said child and taught them to ask when they wanted to use one. 

Before I put a knife in their hand, I laid the groundwork for proper use. 

In order to have the freedom to own and use guns, we need to put safety measures in place first, then address mental health, social media, bullying, society, parenting, etc. And considering mental health care is expensive and difficult to come by, having quality free mental health services is key. And lets also offer free parenting classes, gun safety classes, internet safety classes, etc. so that they are accessible to all people. Let's offer mental health services in schools. Let's promote a culture of uplifting and helping others, of cooperation and working toward a common goal, of community - not a culture of people being out for only themselves, a culture of hatred toward people who aren't like you, a culture of owning guns at the expense of the lives of others. 

If you want to own guns, wouldn't you lay the groundwork for safety for our children and others in our communities so that your freedoms aren't tread upon? Wouldn't you be willing to do what is needed to help keep guns out of the hands of those who shouldn't have access to them as well as decreasing the possibility of mass shootings? Don't you want to keep our children safe?


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