[a moment] to get a clue

[moment 264]

The invitations were sent, the scene was sent, and finally the guests began to arrive. Eris' 17th birthday party was finally happening.

While planning the party, it was decided that it would be outside, a movie would be watched on Austen's tv (the most portable of the tvs), the snack cart would be stocked with candy and chips, a charcuterie type board would be prepared, and both hot spiced cider and regular cold cider would be plentiful. 

But what about outdoor seating? We don't have any. So Jim built bases for the seats from our van and we covered them with sheets and placed cozy blankets on them in case they were needed. The appropriate props were procured or made, party favors were found at Five Below, and sleepover arrangements were made for a friend whose family was kind enough to drive them from Massachusetts. 

The teens arrived one by one until the entire horde of party participants were present. The teens (and a couple young adults) were left to their own devices to watch a movie, scarf down food, swill cider, chat, laugh, and open gifts. At one point I overheard Eris ask if everyone could remind her of their pronouns, which I thought was an excellent thing for the host to do. And while I was washing dishes, I heard something about purple and green watermelon, which was a bit confusing. 

And if you don't have a clue what the party was about/what movie they watched, you'd better look more closely at the props. 


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