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playing ketchup

On Tuesday, I had an infusion in the morning, brought Onyx to an appointment, went to the gorcery store to pick up a few necessities that turned into not just a few necessities, and then had a neurology appointment in the afternoon that took twice as long as it should have. I spent the day in extreme pain and received a devastating diagnosis. And it was Eris' nineteenth birthday. I've spent this past year feeling like I'm playing catch-up and never quite catching up, and Tuesday was no different. I felt horrible that I felt horrible on Eris' special day. Onyx and I had bought ice cream for celebratory sundaes, so there was that. And the promise of a gift arriving on Wednesday, doing something special with me on Thursday, and a MTG Pre-release tournament with Dad and siblings on Friday. I hope the rest of Eris' birthday week goes well and she has fun. Nineteen things about Eris on his birthday: 1. old 2. reaches the high up things 3. creative 4. knows so many things

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