Sleepover [Adventure]

[Adventure 156]

We only had two children in our house the other night. That hasn't happened in over a year and a half due to covid-19. Three of our children were sleeping at their grandparents' house while their grandparents were in New Hampshire. 

It all began when Zephyr started doing some yardwork for my parents' neighbors. One week they asked if she could come several days in a row. Because I'd spent the past couple days driving 45 minutes one way, spending the hours she was working not doing what I needed to do at home, it was determined it would be better if I dropped her off the next day and she could sleep at Gramma and Papas so I could go home and get things accomplished. Our youngest asked if he could help work and stay over as well. Our middle child did not want to work, but wanted to stay. 

So we went to the grocery store and got them easy meals and snacks and they stayed at Gramma and Papa's for a couple days. 

It was amazing how peaceful it was in our house. No bickering siblings. No feet tramping up and down stairs. And just about every time I needed to use the bathroom it was free!

It was also strangely quiet.

I'd go to show a video to someone or tell someone about something or ask them a question and they weren't here. I'd forgotten how that feels. 

Someday our children will live elsewhere, but until then I'm going to enjoy the chaos. And hope that when they're living on their own they remember that they're always welcome to come home for  a sleepover.


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