Sharing What We Have ADVENTure

I just paid most of our bills. I'd say all of our bills, but money is tight and a couple will have to wait. We're making due with the food we have in our fridge, freezers, and pantry until more money is in our account next week.

Then the children open the advent calendar discover our act of kindness for the day is donating food to the food pantry. And so we go through our pantry and realize that we do have an abundance of some things. Even in times that feel like we're scrounging through cupboards for food, we can find things to share. We don't need six cans of beans or five boxes of pizza crust mix or nine cans of tuna. 

In our lives, even when we don't have things to share, we have other things to give. We can donate our time, our talents, our friendship, our kindness. There is plenty to give that doesn't cost anything. And sometimes, when you think you are lacking, you discover that you still have an abundance of blessings to give.


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