Treasure Trove

I came across an unlabeled cd this week and discovered a treasure trove of photos on it. Pictures from eight years ago - shortly after our fourth of five children was born. This one completely blew my mind. So many amazing things in one image. Alex is looking at the camera and smiling! He doesn't do that. Ever. He's a teen, after all. Zachary's hair - his long, BLONDE, spiral-curly, beautiful hair. It's much shorter, he combs it straight, and it's green now. And poor squished Haley - the only girl in a sea of boys. She has a little sister now - one who wasn't even a thought when this photo was taken. And Coren ... he's so tiny! Ok, so he's a few weeks old wearing 6-9 month clothing in that picture, but still, he's tiny! 

One moment in time, captured, brings up so many thoughts and emotions. Where has the time gone? I know that in a flash they'll all be grown and out of the house and I'll be taking pictures of my grandchildren. I need to soak in every moment with my kids, make lots of good memories. Looking at that photo, I'm so thankful for these wonderful children and the young adults they've become. 

And because I've become just as awesome a mom as they have children, I will fulfill my parental duty to thoroughly embarrass my eldest in all of his teenagenicity with another gem from the treasure trove ...


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