There's Nothing Like...
... a friend arriving at just the right moment with kind words that you really need to hear.
... reading loving words on your computer screen that really touch your heart and make your day.
... cuddling with a beautiful baby while ignoring the housework.
... listening to children's laughter waft through the open window.
... a child helping with housework and helping to cook dinner without being asked.
... calling to make a hotel reservation and finding out the block reserved for the conference you're attending is full and the hotel is sold out... except for a spa room with whirlpool tub, sitting area, fridge, king size bed, for $30 more, which is in your budget because you were just refunded more than that from your registration because you are co-running the silent auction and theme baskets.
... the baby sleeping long enough for you to eat your dinner while it's still hot.
... children who climb into bed with you, Bible in hand, and ask if you can read together for a bit before it's time to sleep.
... cats who keep your feet warm.
... all these things happening in one day.
... reading loving words on your computer screen that really touch your heart and make your day.
... cuddling with a beautiful baby while ignoring the housework.
... a child helping with housework and helping to cook dinner without being asked.
... calling to make a hotel reservation and finding out the block reserved for the conference you're attending is full and the hotel is sold out... except for a spa room with whirlpool tub, sitting area, fridge, king size bed, for $30 more, which is in your budget because you were just refunded more than that from your registration because you are co-running the silent auction and theme baskets.
... children who climb into bed with you, Bible in hand, and ask if you can read together for a bit before it's time to sleep.
... cats who keep your feet warm.
... all these things happening in one day.
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