Blissfully Exhausted

It's gone. Just gone. I have no idea what happened to it. 

In February it seemed it would last for such a long time, but none of it did.

The time just sprinted by without looking back. There's still so much to do, even with several events behind us. The countdown has begun. Ten...nine...days and counting.

I'm blissfully exhausted.

Life is so busy I barely have time to come up for air. It's good busy - my creativity overflows as I work on costuming and other endeavors for Beautiful Things, a mainstage production in which two of my teens are taking part. I am having entirely too much fun making patches, adding to costumes, and creating whimsical hats, not to mention hanging out with an amazing bunch of teens.

I've had the opportunity to test my ever-changing physical limits during Spring Cleaning Work Weekend at Camp Calumet and on weekly hikes with fellow Epoch Arts Homeschool Co-opers. From shoveling and spreading mulch to crutching up steep forest inclines, I've relished every painful movement. 

The people with whom I've spent my time have been true blessings. The thoughtful and inspiring - if sometimes overly rambunctious - teenage cast of Beautiful Things ... and the wonderful Epoch Arts staff; the welcoming and passionate crew at Camp Calumet; my beautiful Women's Circle friends; the EAHoCo Crew; and my own wonderful (if I do say so myself) family, overflow my cup with joy each day. I fall into bed each night exhausted, yet fulfilled. 


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