It's Time
Time off, that is.
I'm taking a week ... or two ... or three... off. You see, there's Father's Day, followed by H turning 10, followed by July 4th festivities, and then I need to get used to the idea that Z will be 12.
Also, I'm feeling better. Not great, but perhaps good. I have a bit more energy. Less pain when moving. I don't know if this is the new normal, or working up to a newer, healthier normal, but I want to enjoy it while it lasts.
Frankly, I need the time with my family. During the time between stopping Enbrel and starting Remicade, and the interval between starting Remicade and just now feeling better, my energy levels plummeted, as did my patience levels and my ability to use my sense of humor instead of my sense of frustration. I need to regroup.
While I'm "gone," I have a few blog posts scheduled to be posted. One in particular on Father's Day. Another that will be a weighty discussion, and another about my new job. I hope you'll check in and read - and maybe even leave a comment or two for me to read should I find my insomniac self curled up with my computer while my family sleeps.
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