Days Like Today
It's days like today when motivation seems to be on vacation.
It's days like today when my mind is on overdrive with what-ifs and worries.
It's days like today when I want to remain curled up in bed and not have to deal with the world or my body at all.
It's days like today that my family understands and lets me sleep in.
It's days like today when I choose to do only what needs to be done - eating, bathing, doctor's appointment and what I love to do - Tuesday Night Sunday School and church choir rehearsal. You will notice that dishes and any form of housework are not on this list.
It's days like today when a four year old curls up with me in bed, providing me with an excuse to do just what I feel like doing. We are joined by a cat and a few more kids. A movie is chosen, and love transforms misery into a wonderful memory. There's nothing like curling up in bed under a pile of children watching "The Parent Trap" (the original) on a rainy day.
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