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Sick Day
I wrote this yesterday and then fell asleep before being able to post it. I'm still stick today - perhaps this sick day will be a bit more restful...
I lay here in my bed, sipping tea, reflecting on the peace and quiet of sick days. The rest, the relaxation, and the freedom to sleep the day away so my body can heal itself. I didn't appreciate how good I had it before children. Imagine - being able to do nothing but be sick all day.
I'm sick. I have a sore throat, congestion, cough, and almost no voice. I decided today was going to be a sick day - a day spent, for the most part, in bed. First I took my meds, took a shower, and left the house. I went to the bank, treated myself to a latte, went to the thrift store and went to the grocery store (Easter's coming and I had shopping to do!). Upon arriving home I unloaded the van, put groceries away, helped kids with lunch, and put a little one down for a nap. I'd planned on doing the same, but can't seem to sleep anywhere and through everything like I did as a child. I answered questions, helped with articles for journalism class, reminded kids to clean rooms, and managed to eat something. I directed, entertained, mediated, and didn't get a second of sleep. There was dinner to be made - thankfully my husband prepped and crockpotted a chicken this morning. The stove fire while steaming broccoli was a huge help to my ailing respiratory system.
I was thankful for many things today. I was thankful for the box of biodegradable packing peanuts that entertained the littles as they climbed into the box to play and filled containers with them and spread them all over the house. I have great gratitude for my wonderful kids who took care of each other and their poor sick Mama. I'm thankful that my bed is located in the living room, so I could be in the middle of the activity while still feeling like I was getting some rest.
Hopefully tomorrow I'll feel better - or at least get to do this sick day thing properly.
hope you feel better soon! Nan